Saturday, May 2, 2015

Alberta Election: Parties focus 

on Calgary in campaign's last 


Notely rally draws nearly 500 supporters in traditionally Tory-friendly city

NDP Leader Rachel Notley's party has a solid lead in the polls, with the PCs and the Wildrose vying for second in the last days of the election.
NDP Leader Rachel Notley's party has a solid lead in the polls, with the PCs and the Wildrose vying for second in the last days of the election. (CBC)
A few months ago, it would have been an almost unimaginable scene — NDP Leader Rachel Notley, speaking in Calgary, surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd of hundreds.
With her party riding high in the polls during the dying days of the Alberta election, Notley spent Saturday making one of her final appeals to voters in the city.
'All of the parties have got in-roads to make here … huge wins or significant losses to make in the city.'- Political science professor Lori Williams
"We do not have to repeat history here in Calgary, we can make history," she told supporters.
In previous elections, Calgary has not been friendly to the NDP; in the 2012 provincial election, 23 of the city's 25 seats went to the Progressive Conservative party — the other two ridings elected Liberal MLAs.
But this year, with polls showing an NDP domination of Edmonton and a strong Wildrose presence in rural Alberta, the traditional Tory-stronghold now seems to be where the election will be decided.
"It's battleground Calgary," said Lori Williams, political science professor at Mount Royal University.
"All of the parties have got in-roads to make here … huge wins or significant losses to make in the city. "
Polls suggest a solid lead overall for the NDP, with the PCs and Wildrose vying for second. At the rally, Notley spoke at length about the PC budget, introduced shortly before the election was called.
She told the crowd of about 500 that cuts contained in the plan, along with the government's refusal to touch corporate tax rates, have caused Albertans to "reject" the budget: one she now accused the government of trying to distance itself from.
"PCs have been running against the PC record, which is odd but we've also been running against that record."
"And we've been talking about what we didn't like about the budget and what we would do differently.That's been resonating with people in an unprecedented way."

jim prentice
PC Leader Jim Prentice told supporters that Alberta's election comes down to a choice between his party and the NDP. (CBC)
Being in the spotlight also means dealing with more heat, however. The PC party has focused their efforts on attacking the NDP's economic plan, arguing that promises of increased corporate taxes and a review of the province's royalty rates will further damage the province's economy, already crippled by low oil prices.
At his own campaign rally in Calgary, PC Leader Jim Prentice argued that switching to a party with no experience running Alberta, given the economic climate, would be a mistake.
We need leadership and we need a plan," he said.
"I think Albertans know that in the context of this...getting through, coming out stronger than ever. A majority government, a stable government, is important."

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