Saturday, May 2, 2015

David Cameron: The lying SNP won't just take your money away, they'll take away your country 

  • - PM spoke exclusively to the Mail on Sunday in final pre-election interview 
  • - He said Nicola Sturgeon would 'eat Miliband for breakfast, lunch and tea'
  • - Cameron also called the Labour leader a 'goon' for meeting Russell Brand 
  • - Coalition with Lib Dems was better than 'half-arsed government', he says 

Sleeves rolled up, fist thumping the table at the back of his battle bus, David Cameron is fired up. With just days until the General Election, never has he been so pumped up. Be it panic or passion, a David Cameron Mark II has emerged.
The reinvigorated Prime Minister jokily compares himself to Arnie Schwarzenegger, the ultimate action man, in his last newspaper interview before polling day.
He is fighting for five more years in No 10 – if he fails his political career, at the age of 48, is over.
In the tightest Election for decades, by Friday he could be surrounded by packing boxes, leaving Downing Street for the last time, accompanied by his wife and confused three young children.
There will be tears, if not from Cameron himself.
His pain will be more drawn-out, consigned to the history books as the Tory PM who inexplicably failed to thrash Gordon Brown’s disastrous Labour Government and who lost to Ed Miliband, arguably the worst ever Labour leader. ‘Thanks for that,’ he shrugs, irked.
In fact, as he speeds across the Pennines in his blue battle bus, Cameron is celebrating his first decisive campaign victory over Ed Miliband. Even Labour advisers conceded, privately at least, that he trounced the Labour leader who stumbled, in more ways than one, in the last leaders’ TV debate.
It came after mounting concern among Cameron’s aides at his ‘half-hearted’ demeanour in the first half of the campaign.
The crisis came to a head last weekend when his advisers, led by plain-talking Australian Lynton Crosby, told him: ‘For God’s sake, show some guts and passion or you are going to lose.’ Since then it has been jacket off, no holds barred all the way.

Out is the caution and reserve of Cameron Mark I. In has come Cameron Mark II with a new upbeat, muscular tone designed to ‘cut through’ to voters. He demonstrated this vividly during a wide-ranging interview on the battle bus as he:
  • Took aim at ‘bonkers’ Nicola Sturgeon, arguing she would ‘eat Miliband for breakfast, lunch and tea’ and telling how the pair of them will ‘take away our country.’
  • Shot from the hip, literally, dismissing Miliband’s claim that he will not form a pact with the SNP as a blatant lie, accusing him of ‘pulling a fast one – as big a fast one as Jesse James meets the OK Corral meets Shane.’
  • Called Miliband a ‘goon’ for talking ‘mockney’ in his interview with the ‘appalling’ Russell Brand while the comedian and self-styled revolutionary ‘talked a load of cobblers’ to him.

The Prime Minister was grilled by Mail on Sunday Editor Geordie Greig (right) and Political Editor Simon Walters (centre)

Cameron confessed that he gave himself a pep talk before Thursday's debate with David Dimbleby
Cameron confessed that he gave himself a pep talk before Thursday's debate with David Dimbleby

But there is a new candour to Cameron: he candidly confessed he flopped in his TV interrogation by Jeremy Paxman and had to pull his socks up. ‘I’m turning up the dial, I feel an urgency, a growing need to really get the message across,’ he trumpets. And his eyes blaze, his arms jab, his voice is, at times, sharply raised. Teased that he will never get his jacket on over his puffed-up chest, he says: ‘Yes, I’m pumped up like Arnie!’
So what happened to light his fire? Did Samantha give him a rocket? Someone put lead in your pencil, Prime Minister? Who was it?
He bangs the table and says simply: ‘My lead! My pencil! This is not just another Election – it’s a life-changing Election, a fork in the road for our country.’
In Thursday night’s mood-changing Question Time special, gone was the hesitant Cameron, who was hit in the solar plexus by Paxman’s brutal assault on him over food banks in the first TV debate. It is as though it has taken him the intervening three weeks to get his wind back. ‘I wasn’t on my best form. I’m not complaining but Paxman never lets anyone get anything across.’
Cameron gave himself a pep talk before Thursday’s debate with David Dimbleby. ‘I thought to myself, “Look, you’ve got seven days left to demonstrate your passion for what you’re doing.” I know I needed to do more and I am.’
He thinks it is working: ‘You can feel a shift.’
On Thursday, it was Miliband who was left gasping for breath – not by Dimbleby, but by the audience, who went for his jugular. Cameron says Miliband had it coming, that Labour spin doctors had shielded him from real voters because he cannot cope.
‘I’m not like Ed Miliband with a lectern in front of me even when I’m going to bed at night. I get out and speak to real people in the raw without notes. Under hostile questions from business and enterprise, Miliband melts faster than a snowflake in summertime.’
Cameron says Miliband’s refusal on Thursday to admit the last Labour Government spent too much was a ‘staggering admission – a defining moment’. ‘His approach to life is to divide up the cake before you’ve baked the thing in the first place.’
And he had little sympathy for the Labour leader’s unfortunate trip on leaving the stage. ‘It summed up his whole stumbling performance,’ he scoffs. He is even more contemptuous of Miliband’s interview with Russell Brand.
‘I find it very peculiar in a busy Election campaign to go off in the middle of the night to someone else’s house to have them talk a load of old cobblers at you and then find out that they are endorsing the Greens. Not great judgment, is it?
‘Russell Brand and his whole “don’t vote” shtick is wrong; his views on terrorism are appalling. You might say it’s a joke that Miliband falls over and hangs out with Russell Brand – but it’s not. This is a very dangerous moment for Britain.’
'Goon': The Prime Minister laid into Ed Miliband for agreeing to be interviewed by Russell Brand
'Goon': The Prime Minister laid into Ed Miliband for agreeing to be interviewed by Russell Brand


It appears the Prime Minister is not the only member of the Cameron family who questions whether the BBC is always fair to the Conservatives.
David Cameron said he was delighted at how the ‘punchy’ audience put both him and Ed Miliband on the spot during Thursday’s TV debate, with the Labour leader left floundering at times.
He said his wife was also thrilled. ‘Samantha made this point: she said it’s what I’ve been longing to hear from the BBC throughout the campaign.’
It is a pointed reference to the suspicion held in some Tory circles – though strongly denied by the BBC – that the Corporation is biased towards Labour.
Miliband struggled to respond to a series of tough questions from members of the audience, including several with business backgrounds.
And did Sam take her husband aside and say: ‘Come on, honey pie, buck up your Election campaign.’?
‘She doesn’t call me honey pie – if she did we really would have a row!’ he laughs. 
‘She is desperate for me to win, not because of our family or our future but because of what this means for our country.’
The Camerons have told their three children – Nancy, 11, Elwen, nine, and Florence, four – that if he loses it’s goodbye to No 10. ‘They know the consequences,’ he says.
Nancy has told him: ‘Get out there and win it for the blue team. She thinks her dad is doing a great job and she wants to see me win.’

The PM despises the way that Miliband conspicuously dropped his aitches while talking to Brand. ‘I get criticised for sounding posh and sometimes it’s been frustrating that my full name is “the-Old-Etonian-David-Cameron” but I am who I am and I’ve never tried to change it – or my accent. I find it maddening when people drop their Ts and whatever – you sound like a goon.’
No one can accuse Cameron of lacking passion in his ferocious attacks on Miliband and Nicola Sturgeon over the possibility of a Labour-SNP alliance.
He warns of the ‘chilling prospect’ of English taxpayers being forced to pay for extra spending in Scotland, with less for hospitals and schools south of the border. Sturgeon’s economic policies were ‘bonkers’ – she wanted the UK to fail in order to persuade the English that Scotland should be given independence.
‘You’ve got to ask yourself, does Nicola Sturgeon at the end of a five-year Ed Miliband Government want the Government to be a success? No! She wants it to be a disaster, she wants people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to conclude the best thing to do is to break up the Union. This is not just about taking your money, this is about taking away your country.’
He vents more pent-up fury when challenged over his failure to shrug off Miliband’s jibe that the Tories are still the ‘party of the rich’.
Cameron springs forward and, somewhat bizarrely, uses Miliband’s own personal wealth and £2million London home to try to prove it.
‘If Ed Miliband bought his house now under a Tory government, guess how much more it would cost him? What do you reckon – £5,000, £10,000?’ 
He is nearly shouting: ‘I’ll tell you the answer: £53,000! That’s how much more we would charge Ed Miliband than the last Labour Government because of the rise in stamp duty. The richest 1 per cent pay more than a quarter of the income tax bill – higher than when Miliband or Balls were in the Treasury.’ 
The Coalition between the Tories and the Lib Dems was better than a 'half-arsed, semi-permanent' government, Cameron said
The Coalition between the Tories and the Lib Dems was better than a 'half-arsed, semi-permanent' government, Cameron said

He is equally caustic over persistent attacks on him over the rise in food banks. Food banks had effectively been suppressed by a ban imposed by the last Labour Government on adverts for them in Job Centres. 
‘That lovely Labour Government were so concerned about PR and spin that even though they knew people would benefit from food banks they didn’t want that to happen,’ Cameron scowls. ‘That’s not the way I behave.’ 
The Prime Minister joked that he would have a row with his wife Samantha if she called him 'honey pie'
The Prime Minister joked that he would have a row with his wife Samantha if she called him 'honey pie'
Cameron extends his new habit of using uncharacteristically vulgar streetfighter language to justify his decision to form a coalition with Nick Clegg in 2010.
‘We didn’t have some half-arsed semi-permanent government and try to creep in with another Election… we did the responsible thing.’ Mr Speaker would never allow him to talk like that in the Commons.
But Cameron shows a more thoughtful side when asked to explain why initially he had found it so hard to show how much he wanted to win. ‘I suppose I have the British understatement, I don’t always wear my emotions on my sleeve,’ he confides. 
‘I am a practical person, I always want to know how do we fix this, what are the means, what does it cost… I am not as good as I should be at shouting from the rooftops about my values. I am a head-under-the-bonnet-fixing-the car-type. I have got to tell people why it’s such a great car, where it’s going to go, how beautiful it’s going to look when we get there.
‘I don’t know whether that’s an English affliction or a personal affliction. Perhaps sometimes I am too down-to-earth looking at the nitty-gritty. Elections are a time when you have to lift your head up and go for the big picture.
‘I’m doing that now and I hope I get it across because I certainly feel it.’ But the moment of reflection is soon put aside and Cameron Mark II fires himself up again.
The stakes on Thursday could not be higher, he avows. He brandishes his Election lucky mascot, the letter by Labour Treasury Secretary Liam Byrne which revealed there was no money left after Labour lost the last Election.
He punches the letter with his hand as he rams home his point. ‘Do I wake up in the middle of the night worrying about our country ending up in the wrong hands, going in the wrong direction? You bet I do.’
If Cameron loses, it won’t be for lack of trying or passion in the next four days. ‘Hell, we’re going to get our message across in the closing stages.’
Arnie couldn’t have put it better.

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