Saturday, May 2, 2015

Nenshi publishes Alberta party 

leaders' vision for Calgary 

Mayor released survey online called Cities Matter, which outlines party 

platforms on city issues

Mayor Naheed Nenshi asked each of Alberta's political parties a set of questions about how they would tackle Calgary issues, should they become the government, and has posted their responses online.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi asked each of Alberta's political parties a set of questions about how they would tackle Calgary issues, should they become the government, and has posted their responses online.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi wants Calgarians to think about the city when deciding who to vote for in Tuesday's election.
Nenshi asked each party a set of 12 questions about how they would tackle Calgary issues, should they become the government, and posted their responses online for everyone to read.
Nenshi and Notley
'I didn't find Rachel Notley at all terrifying,' said Calgary Mayor Nenshi on meeting the NDP leader for the first time this week. (Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press)
"Last week, I think I called the election Seinfeldian, which isn't really fair. It's not about nothing, but it's been about issues of leadership and trust and accountability," Nenshi said.
"But it hasn't really been about specifics about policy on anything. And I thought it was important for Calgarians to know where the parties stand on issues that are important to the city."
Every party, except the Liberals, replied to the Cities Matter questionnaire, which Nenshi has done for two previous provincial elections and one federal. 
"Everyone has slightly different ideas, but I'm actually quite happy overall with the responses," Nenshi said. "I think the we could work with any of these folks."
Nenshi met Brian Jean and Rachel Notley for the first time on Thursday. 
"I didn't find Rachel Notley at all terrifying. I didn't find Brian Jean at all robotic, I thought they were both very thoughtful."
Nenshi says not all party leaders have the right answers but believes they are all starting from a good spot.

The candidates

Ultimately, Nenshi says that no matter who is elected "none of them will be bad for Calgary." Something Nenshi says he couldn't always say in previous elections.
He says all of the parties will be able to work with the city and all of them understand the specific needs ot the city.
"What's been really interesting in this campaign is that there are choices, whether the choice is to go with what you know and a government that has inarguably run this province reasonably well for the past 43 years or to try something new and take a risk, those options are out there."  
Nenshi says he hasn't decided who he is going to vote for but any of the parties will be able to Nenshi and the council to work make a better Calgary.
"Based on what I'm learning, Calgarians can actually go and vote without fear. And I think that's actually important for people to understand. That you can vote who you believe in."

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