Saturday, May 9, 2015


newsMarriage has always been the union between two people who have come together to become one and any time such union crashes; there are different accusations that fly around.
For comic act, Baba Tee, the end of his marriage to popular socialite, Yetunde Oduwole popularly known as Yetunde Bustline, was a dream come true, according to what he told E24-7 in an interview he granted the magazine recently.
Baba Tee said the marriage was a clog in his wheel as he could he have control of his home while the marriage lasted. He revealed that the age difference between them was a major barrier.
He said, "I was never married to Yetunde Bustline. As for our relationship, I believe age is indeed a barrier in relationships. Every man will be happy when they have control over their woman, but I didn’t have any control over her.
"But my relationship with Bustline started on a platonic note. I had never met her before, and because I’m not an internet person, I did not even know anything about her. It was later that I found out about some of the things she had done."
He revealed that the union ended last year, which was why he returned to Nigeria. He revealed that the woman monitored his movement and often threatened him with the Immigration Services.

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